WISH LIST for Mission: Hope! www.missionhope1.blogspot.com
1. DSLR camera (Canon, since we have lenses for that) for Videography (that's a biggie!) :)
2. Your USED phones you want to throw out! We can get cash towards Mission: Hope.
3. Any easily-shipped, valuable :) Ebay-worthy items, that can be sold to raise funds.
4. Your hotel soaps/lotions to make gift bags for our Africa trip
5. Your nice, used paperback children's books :) THANK YOU for remembering us during this Christmas season!

Mission: HOPE exists to bring Glory to God in providing basic necessities to those in need. Our desire is to provide mission trips to distant and not-so-distant lands, so that YOUR world will be turned upside down! Mission: Hope operates under their local church's 501(c)3 and can accept tax-deductible donations of checks made out to Mission: Hope, c/o Life Church, 4550 NE Palmetto Drive, Jensen Beach, FL 34957 We can be contacted at missionhope1@gmail.com.
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Monday, December 2, 2013
Please consider donating your clean, used PICTURE books to us, so we can bless the village children on our mission to Sakwa, Kenya (Africa). We are also looking for donations for our Women's Medical & Informational Clinic there. The type of things we are looking for are easily transported in our luggage (bandaids, toothbrushes, notepads, little soaps, small bottles lotion or any other small item like this). Thank you so much! Natalie Evans
Sunday, November 24, 2013
In a Day
Circumstances can change in a day. A single day. When we are tempted to be discouraged, to wonder if God remembers us... or to wonder if we are doing the right thing - CHANGE can happen in a day. As director of Mission: Hope, one of my jobs is to raise funds. That's probably the least favorite activity I could do. It involves work, and it involves asking for donations to a cause I believe is worthy. Since no one on our mission board, including myself, receives any salary or compensation for this position, we do need to raise our individual funds for any mission trips we are a part of. Since I launched this mission on January 1st, 2013 - we have been blessed to raise more than $2000 for Mission: Hope. Since I put out my own personal fundraising letters, I've received gifts totaling $150. Everyone on our team has a goal to raise $1000 towards their trip by the end of this month. This was such an encouragement to me, especially since I became a bit incapacitated due to my cycling accident (which incidentally was planned to be a FUNDRAISER!).
In moments, I asked God, "Lord, do you remember me? Did you truly call me to do this?" I tried not to be discouraged and God let me have moments of encouragement through other people! Today, at our church, the Lord's prayer was taught. Specifically, "give us this day our daily bread." And it reminded me that I need not be concerned about the future, but only this day. As I was leaving church, a friend gave me a check for $100 towards my personal trip! And when I checked our P. O. Box, I found a check for $500 towards my personal trip! I am at $750 of my $1000 goal! Circumstances can change in a day and increase our faith! I am overwhelmed and grateful... and full of hope & faith for what God is and will be doing in Africa July 2014.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Why I do Missions
A dear friend, Sarah Morin, passed this awesome book to me. What is so great about this book is that it has challenged my heart and motives. Why am I driven to do Missions? For one, reaching out and "doing" gives me that great feeling that I'm making a difference in the world. I go to sleep feeling a little better about myself... and think, "Wow, that felt so good - I want to do that again!" But what if "I" were the recipient of the help? I much prefer being the "giver". What if I had to be the receiver? That doesn't always feel so good. As we plan our first trip to Nairobi, Kenya - first to the slums and then to the villages... we want to not just be a source of temporary help, so that we can feel good about what we've done. We want to EMPOWER the local church, as they develop long-term RELATIONSHIPS with the people. We want the money collected to be used to build up LOCAL organizations that truly will empower the poor - long after we leave. To Africans, we are known as the "mzungu" - the powerful, rich, educated white people. When we leave Africa, we want to be known as the "humble" - seeking to direct the poor to Jesus, because WE too, are poor without Him -. HE is the one who can bring light into their darkness. Please keep praying for this trip... For safety... For wisdom... For blessings to all those we encounter.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
What's in the works?
What's in the works?
* Kenya, Africa - July 2014
We're taking a team to Kenya. Our plans are to work with suffering AIDS victims in the slums. We will hold hands with the suffering, cry with those who feel alone in their dirty beds, and pray for their children. We will buy food and bring a little light into their lives. We will travel to a small village and perform some clinic days for the women in the village. We will bring funds that have come from you and others to purchase uniforms for the kids... and picture books. We will share all this in the name and love of Jesus Christ. If you would like to help with this project and cannot take off time to go with us, please send your tax-deductible donation to: Mission-Hope. Send to Life Church, PO Box 1764, Jensen Beach, FL 34958
*Honduras, summer 2015
We are looking at potential plans to spend a week in Honduras.
* Kenya, Africa - July 2014
We're taking a team to Kenya. Our plans are to work with suffering AIDS victims in the slums. We will hold hands with the suffering, cry with those who feel alone in their dirty beds, and pray for their children. We will buy food and bring a little light into their lives. We will travel to a small village and perform some clinic days for the women in the village. We will bring funds that have come from you and others to purchase uniforms for the kids... and picture books. We will share all this in the name and love of Jesus Christ. If you would like to help with this project and cannot take off time to go with us, please send your tax-deductible donation to: Mission-Hope. Send to Life Church, PO Box 1764, Jensen Beach, FL 34958
*Honduras, summer 2015
We are looking at potential plans to spend a week in Honduras.
Thou Anointest My Head with Oil
"Thou anointest my head with oil..." A verse in Psalms 23. It denotes that God pours a blessing out for me. I'm holding out for that. Because three weeks into recovery from my bike crash, I am desperate for it.
What do you do when the efforts you are making in a direction get thwarted by accidents, tragedies or diseases? Do you decide that God is closing all doors and you should close up shop? Or do you decide that Satan is trying to stop a good thing and you keep going? How does one proceed in life? I believe you place all these issues and more in God's hands. How must Joseph have felt when he had dreams and visions? And then he must have thought, "Wow, my Father gave me a beautiful coat of many colors - so I am favored of him.." - only for Joseph to be sold into slavery by his own brothers. But Joseph prospers again, ONLY to be thrown into prison on a false charge. He stayed upright in all his ways. He was even highly-esteemed in prison, and helped to get others released - only for his good deeds to be FORGOTTEN. How lonely he must have felt? How he must have asked God, "Where are you? Why have you left me all alone? Do you even see what I am going through?" And then, in the appointed time - God POURED out blessing after blessing. I have to say that my accident has put me in a bad place. I experienced a blunt trauma, slight head injury (sure thanking God that is was slight!), some broken ribs and broken thumb (which doesn't seem like much, until you try to do ANYTHING with your writing hand. That's fun! haha). My osteo doctor asked how I injured myself. I told him I was training for a FUNDraiser - haha. I figure now I am in the red by $--,---.--. Okay, well, that didn't work out too well! haha But, how do I respond to this? I have thanked God that my injuries were not worse. I have had a few panic attacks due to medication and a too-tight cast. haha I have ASKED God, "Why?" And I am asking Him now to anoint my head with oil. Because now, more than I felt in a long time, I am more cognizant than ever - that I NEED Him to bless my efforts. Like the worship song says, "You're the BREATH in my lungs... our hearts will cry and these bones will sing." I am certainly relating to this song right now. I need HIM to anoint my head - to give me the blessing that I need to be His hands and feet. Everything else in life is so small in the scheme of life.
So, will you pray with me and for our team? We need God's anointing for our trip to Kenya, Africa July 2014. Thank you.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
HE > i
HE>i. That says it all. I am nothing. HE is everything. For all practical purposes, I have no resources, no great influence. I wasn't born with any great vision to save the world. And, yet, I am on this "train" of life, headed to Africa. At least my heart is today. And then I reflect on the book called "Tombi's Song", a book my parents gave me when I was about 9 years old. My 1st "gifted" book - a story about a little African girl... And I suddenly am remembering something my grandmother said to me when I stayed the night with her. We were in her kitchen, doing dishes and she says, lovingly, "Someday you will be a missionary to Africa... or be Miss America." haha I much preferred Miss America. I had absolutely no heart or understanding or desire to go to AFRICA. And then, fast forward - I am a young Mom with a 4 year old and 1 year old. Some missionaries from the African Inland Mission in Nairobi, Kenya come to our church. They had needs for teachers... for someone like my husband... and suddenly, we were at a crossroads - I DON'T want to go to Africa! And God was okay with that. And then our 1 year old was 19 and spends time after graduation with an organization called YWAM. He travels to where? Kenya, Africa. He brings back photos, videos and heartbreaking stories... and suddenly I see real people and real tragedies and I am at a crossroads again.
In January of this year (2013), I started this Mission group, with great support from my family and church. And here I am - a nobody - trying to raise funds for this Mission. Our 1st trip to Africa to assist a village with a women's clinic, helping with their school, AIDS patients & more, is planned for July 2013. I am thinking of ways to make the impossible - possible - and I decide to train for a Bike Across Florida with a great adventure group, Going The Distance, out of Tampa, FL. Am I scared? YES. But, again, so much support from family and friends and I begin to train. On Saturday, September 28th, I am training with my friend, Jennifer Price, when while riding on the bike path/shoulder, it suddenly drops off - and I crash. Pretty bad. Several broken ribs and broken thumb. There were more injuries, but thankfully, this was the worst. I am thankful, but I am also left with a question? "God, what is that all about?" Was it to save the team from that Bike Across FL date (since it ended up being canceled)? Was there some other way God wanted to provide for Mission: Hope? I'm not sure I will ever know, but I am content to know that God really has our best interest in mind.
Here is the exciting thing about being a Christ-follower - Though we are weak, HE is strong. When we feel we want to give up, God refreshes our spirits and infuses our hearts with hope. I am still in the "this is not fun" stage of fundraising, and, yet, I am strangely compelled. HE > i. I only want to follow His lead. Thank you for praying for Mission:Hope! :) Natalie Evans
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Raising funds for Mission: Hope! Some of us are doing a BIKE ACROSS FLORIDA on October 26 & 27, 2013. Would you pray for us? Would you consider donating to our cause? Donations can be sent to: Life Church, Mission: Hope, PO BOX 1764, Jensen Beach, FL 34958
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Kenya, Africa Mission
Our first mission is on calendar for July 2014. Fundraising letters are going out for individuals planning on the trip! Lots of preparation is involved in a trip such as this; passports must be gotten or renewed, shots must be received - but we know that God can make all things happen for His glory. This is what this trip is about. A collaboration of hands working together to bring HOPE and ministry to other human beings. Please pray for our team. Please consider partnering with Mission: Hope to accomplish the impossible. We have an informational meeting scheduled for August 11, 2013 at the Windmill Village Clubhouse in Jensen Beach (after the Life Church Sunday morning service). We have spaces for "fit" adults and college-agers who are up for the challenge of this challenging trip!~
Friday, July 12, 2013
"If to be feelingly alive to the sufferings of my fellow-creatures is to be a fanatic, I am one of the most incurable fanatics ever permitted to be at large." William Wilberforce
Please consider sponsoring a UNIFORM for one or more children in Kenya! Uniforms are $15 each. You can donate by mailing checks to Life Church (with a note for Mission: Hope UNIFORMS), PO Box 1764, Jensen Beach, FL 34958 Thank you for making a difference!!!
Please consider sponsoring a UNIFORM for one or more children in Kenya! Uniforms are $15 each. You can donate by mailing checks to Life Church (with a note for Mission: Hope UNIFORMS), PO Box 1764, Jensen Beach, FL 34958 Thank you for making a difference!!!
Friday, June 28, 2013
I believe every person has a passion deep in their soul, for what God created them to do. One of my passions has been to start this mission! How exciting it is to see that there is a place for us to be able to bring HOPE and Christ's love to others in this world! Communicating with the mission in Kenya, we are learning that the students there are in need of uniforms and children's books! I am NOW collecting children's books and requesting paperback (as they weigh less and will transport easier) and a handful of LARGE picture books (with animals, etc.). Please let me know if you can help in this area. ANY donation towards uniforms would be GREAT and any donation of good, used books would be awesome! Please leave a message on here if you'd like or message me at missionhope1@gmail.com, and I can work out pickup.
Also, got an encouraging surprise letter from a friend with a check for $50!!! How awesome is that! Fundraising is NOT fun. But we have a passion for these kids and believe that we MAKE A DIFFERENCE traveling across the world, to show children that "America" is not just "Hollywood"... that "Christ-followers" are about LOVE. Not only can we bring medical, agricultural, educational and food attention to these children - we can also assist with helping them learn to make a living for their families! Please consider sponsoring a uniform or helping a team member in their travels!
You can send gifts made out to "Life Church", with a NOTE attached for "Mission: Hope", PO Box 1174, Jensen Beach, FL 34958 Thank you! The picture is from the same mission we will be traveling to! Humbling and exciting!
Monday, May 6, 2013
Mission: Hope Vision!
Hi! My name is Natalie Evans. I'm a wife, mom of 4 teens and young adults, a mom-in-law and a new Grandmother :) I'm a passionate servant of Christ and have just recently received my degree in Medical Laboratory Technology. I also have a passion for teaching, for children, for agriculture and for art! One of the great passions God has given me is a heart for missions. When my kids were little, one of my prayers was that they could "experience" missions. Never would I have dreamed that my two oldest would have spent several years traveling in the US and abroad, doing just that. I am immensely grateful for their hearts. I have watched them and their college-age friends, be completely revolutionized in their walk with Christ and revolutionized in their hearts to show mercy to others less fortunate, bringing God's love through humanitarian relief. This passion inspired me to start this mission group, so that others who work full-time and part-time jobs can fulfill this passion during their vacation-time or other time off. I believe that once you experience reaching out to those who have nothing...experiencing those who have lost a parent or parents, that you too will never be able to live life the same. You will come home from your travels exhausted, but refreshed - and want to spend a greater part of your resources on others who have need. Please keep our team in your prayers. Our 1st trip is scheduled for July 2014 to Kenya, Africa. We will be listing items that we plan to take with us (school supplies, art materials, agricultural materials, etc.) So stay updated with us! Thank you for being with us on this journey!
Monday, April 15, 2013
A video that my son Canaan put together of his trip to Kenya, Africa in 2010. Hope you will feel as inspired as I did when I watched it. There is a world of children and adults, who go to bed hungry - who fall to sleep at night with no hope in their heart. I wonder if the angels that God sends are the angels who GO, the angels who SEND ~ Please be praying for the team who will be planning to go. Pray for those who will send. And pray for those who will be on the receiving end. Pray that God will direct our steps in everything that we do.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
I wanted to share our beautiful new logo with everyone! Special, special thanks to Alana Coppedge, a senior at Clark Advanced Learning Center here in Martin County, who did such amazing work! Alana donated her time and skills to create this and we cannot thank her enough! Mission: Hope has a logo! Woohoo!
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Team Board Member: Dr. Omar Hamada
Really grateful to introduce one of our Team Board Members, Dr. Omar Hamada. Dr. Hamada is an extreme mover and shaker; has great insight on Arab culture and is accomplished in so many different ways. I'm excited to see what the future holds for this Mission!
Hamada’s passion is advancing the Kingdom of Christ through discipleship and
evangelism in all that he does. Omar’s
life is defined by the “5 Ms” – Marriage, Medicine, Military, Ministry, and
- Omar is married to Dr. Tara Newton Hamada of Shelbyville, TN, who is Board
Certified in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics and works at Mercy Children’s
Clinic in Franklin, TN. They have 4
children – Gabriella (12), Annelise (9), Nicholas (7), and Josiah (3). They live in Brentwood, Tennessee and are active
members of Fellowship Bible Church.
– Omar is Board Certified in Obstetrics & Gynecology and in Family &
Sports Medicine. He is also trained in
Aerospace/High Altitude, Deep Sea/Hyperbaric, and Tropical Medicine. He was previously Director of Predoctoral
Affairs at the University of Tennessee College of Medicine, the Chief of
Obstetrics and Gynecology at StoneCrest Medical Center, and President and CEO
of Cedar Medical Group. He is currently
an Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine at Vanderbilt University School of
Medicine, an Emergency Room Physician, maintains a private “concierge” medical
practice (Brentwood Concierge Medicine and Fitness), and consults for various
organizations. He recently completed an
MBA at Vanderbilt University’s Owen School of Management. He is the Chief Medical Officer of Advon
Healthcare (www.advonhealth.com) and the Medical Division
President and Chairman of the Board for HumaniTV (www.humani.tv).
– Omar is a 14-year combat veteran of the United States Army. Ten of those years were in the United States
Army’s Special Forces as a paratrooper, diver, and Battalion Flight Surgeon and
Diving Medical Officer of the 1/20th Special Forces Group,
(Airborne). He is the recipient of many
awards and decorations including the Bronze Star Medal and the Combat Medical
Badge for actions in combat. Omar is an
accomplished outdoorsman and martial artist (Tae Kwon Do, HapKiDo, Judo). He is the Principal of S3 – Security and
Survival Solutions.
– After graduating from Columbia Biblical Seminary (CBS) in South Carolina in
1988, Omar was ordained as a Southern Baptist minister. He is also a graduate of Leighton Ford’s 2-year
Arrow Leadership Program, and is currently completing a Masters of Theology at
Columbia. He is a delegate of the
Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization and over a span of 20 years, has
worked closely with ministries such as OM, YWAM, Campus Crusade, the Zwemer
Institute, and the US Center for World Mission in training Western believers as
to the needs and methods of Muslim Evangelization. Dr. Leighton Ford and the late Dr. Adrian
Rogers were his mentors. He is authoring
two books under contract – “Warrior Faith: Spiritual Applications of Lessons
Learned in Combat” and “a certain hope…:Living Victoriously in the Midst of
Adversity”, and editing for republication “The Temperament and Character of the
Arabs” by Sania Hamady, PhD.
– Omar is a classically trained spinto tenor in the style of Mario Lanza. He has studied operatic vocal performance in
Memphis, New York, and Vienna, has had offers from the Julliard School and the
New York Metropolitan Opera Company, and has performed for over 1 million
people worldwide. He also plays jazz and
classical trumpet and is a member of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Team Member: Chad Nauman
Let me introduce another Team Member for Mission: Hope. Chad Nauman is a husband to Bethany and dad to three great little kids. Chad and his wife have been the catalysts to propel a great majority of the young people on our team (and in our church) to pursue missions with an organization called Youth With a Mission. I’m sure they had no idea that their leadership would change the lives of so many… and their enthusiasm continues to do so! Here is Chad’s heart in his words. “I have a passion for sharing Christ with others through friendship, street outreach, church and foreign missions. I have served in youth and young adult ministries for nearly eight years. I had the opportunity to attend YWAM’s Discipleship Training School, School of Evangelism and Adventures in Missions Leadership Training. I have led and been a part of mission outreaches to many small towns and large inner cities in the U.S. and in Mexico, Thailand and Burma. My heart is for reaching those who haven’t met Christ and for creating a haven of hope for the hurting in our world.”
Our team is so very excited to have Chad a part of our team and vision!
Our team is so very excited to have Chad a part of our team and vision!
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Team Member: Juliana Daaku
When we had this vision for Mission: Hope, one of the things that we have desired for quite a long time is to have a small foodbank that could service people who "fall through the cracks" in our region; people who have lost their jobs and are not eligible for any type of assistance. My dear friend, Juliana, asked if we had anything local we were planning with Mission: Hope... and when I shared this simple idea, she was absolutely thrilled. It fit exactly with what she had on her heart! I love how God fills the gaps! Juliana is JUST the perfect person for this mission! Here's what she has to say regarding this vision!
“My name is Juliana Daaku. I am currently a special education teacher for Okeechobee County Schools. I have two boys, one and two years old and an amazing husband! I grew up in Southern California in the most loving home. I moved to Arizona to attend college. I received my Bachelor’s degree in Social Work from Arizona State University and my Master’s in Special Education from Grand Canyon University. I met my husband in Arizona and we later moved to Oregon. In Oregon, we fell upon some extremely difficult times. We met a couple named Don and Mary. They changed our lives forever because they showed us Jesus. They didn’t judge us for our mistakes; they simply loved us. It was in Oregon where my faith in God was restored and where I learned who God really is.
God led us to Florida and although Florida made no sense at all, everything lined up for us to come here. I have been praying for almost about two years that God would place on my heart a way I could serve him in the community. About a month ago, God answered that prayer. I want to meet people’s basic needs in our community. God has given me a huge vision. We are so fortunate to live in America, however, even with all the resources we have in this country, we still have a very flawed system. My first year living in Florida I worked for New Horizons Mental Health and went into my clients homes. I have seen poverty here that I did not know existed in America. I have seen children go without their basic hygiene products and families go without meals. It is very humbling to ask for a food box or for basic necessities; I have walked in those shoes. My hope for this program is that we can show people LOVE in their time of need. I have so many ideas and my heart is totally on fire for this; with that said, I will leave with this, we SERVE an awesome Lord!”
“My name is Juliana Daaku. I am currently a special education teacher for Okeechobee County Schools. I have two boys, one and two years old and an amazing husband! I grew up in Southern California in the most loving home. I moved to Arizona to attend college. I received my Bachelor’s degree in Social Work from Arizona State University and my Master’s in Special Education from Grand Canyon University. I met my husband in Arizona and we later moved to Oregon. In Oregon, we fell upon some extremely difficult times. We met a couple named Don and Mary. They changed our lives forever because they showed us Jesus. They didn’t judge us for our mistakes; they simply loved us. It was in Oregon where my faith in God was restored and where I learned who God really is.
God led us to Florida and although Florida made no sense at all, everything lined up for us to come here. I have been praying for almost about two years that God would place on my heart a way I could serve him in the community. About a month ago, God answered that prayer. I want to meet people’s basic needs in our community. God has given me a huge vision. We are so fortunate to live in America, however, even with all the resources we have in this country, we still have a very flawed system. My first year living in Florida I worked for New Horizons Mental Health and went into my clients homes. I have seen poverty here that I did not know existed in America. I have seen children go without their basic hygiene products and families go without meals. It is very humbling to ask for a food box or for basic necessities; I have walked in those shoes. My hope for this program is that we can show people LOVE in their time of need. I have so many ideas and my heart is totally on fire for this; with that said, I will leave with this, we SERVE an awesome Lord!”
Some of our Team
Here's an updated photo of just a part of our team. They are former missionaries, students, social workers, musicians, and attorneys. They come from all walks of life and backgrounds. More than anything, they share a love for Christ. They are movers & shakers for God! Please pray for this team as we continue to lay the groundwork for this mission!
Team Member: Richard Evans
Meet Richard Evans. Richard has been a missionary for the past couple of years. He has traveled to Russia and Sri Lanka, and has such a passion and love for others. In his words..."I'm Richard Evans, I'm 23, and I only know that I want to serve our Lord with my life. God has given me giftings and things that I want to turn around and be able to bless Him and other people with. I don't want to live my life just to satisfy myself. God has been faithfully working in my heart so much over the past two years as I've submitted more of it to Him. I really enjoy drawing and public speaking. I'm not sure if God would have me to be a teacher or a speaker for Him in any capacity, but I'm laying that down at His feet asking Him for guidance. Overall, I want to be able to share Christ with people in my life, if it's directly with words, my art, or my actions. Jesus is the definition of life, and I think it's lovely and overwhelming we can walk with Him, don't you? I don't have to always understand His ways or where I'm going, but I can always depend on Him. I've greatly learned that love is unconditional, but relationship is conditional. I want to choose to give the Lord my all! I want to choose relationship and life with my Savior!" I'm so honored and excited to have Richard as one of our Mission Team members. Currently Richard resides in Texas and is finishing up School of the Bible at Youth With a Mission.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Monday, January 14, 2013
This Mission is made up of a team of world-changers; college-age adults who have traveled all over the world, bringing HOPE and change to needy peoples in distant and not-so-distant lands. Our "Mission: Hope" Board of Directors are movers & shakers, made up of Dr. Omar Hamada, a physician/surgeon, US Army paratrooper & combat Veteran; Jordan & Steph Showe, Attorney Husband & Wife; as well as Robbie Santis, with his degree in Missions! Our local Team Mission member, Juliana Daaku (with her BSW (Social Work) and M.Ed, will be heading our local foodbank (plans laid for one year from now!).
Our Mission is to continue that passion in the way of guiding adults on mission trips to be that light and bring HOPE to others -through the love of Christ, medical, and humanitarian relief. Our belief is that when ordinary people have an experience in missions, not only are those who are being helped - changed, but those who take these trips are altered forever and come back wishing to increase their abilities to make a lifelong difference.
With plans laid for a local food bank, our immediate mission plans are to head to Kenya, Africa to assist with Grant Abundant Life orphanage (started by our college-age Univ. of FL graduates, Keri & Michele O'Neil) and other ministries in Kenya.
As Director of Mission: Hope, I'll be trying to raise awareness for our mission by cycling across the state of Florida, 160 miles... It's not going to be an easy task and I'm terrified :), but I believe that with God's help, it's doable. Please help us raise the necessary funds to get these projects going! Consider donating and help us do the impossible! Thank you so much!!!
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Mission: HOPE: Introducing Mission: HOPE
Mission: HOPE: Introducing Mission: HOPE: Mission: HOPE exists to bring Glory to God in providing basic necessities to those in need. Our desire is to provide mission trips to dis...
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Take a moment to go to our Mission: Hope Facebook page. "Like" it and "Share" it! Thank you for sharing this new mission and bringing awareness to our cause!
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
It's a small thing, but sometimes having a visual to remind you of what God can do can be a good thing! Here is a visual I was able to put together with a group from Covenant Fellowship Church in Stuart. I had a great time, met some great ladies, and can be reminded by looking at this board - how to pray :)
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Board Team Members: Jordan & Steph Showe
Meet Steph and
Jordan Showe, who are a part of our Missions: Hope Board. Steph and Jordan met in Charleston, South
Carolina while Steph was in school at College of Charleston and Jordan was at
The Citadel. Over the eight years that they have known each other, both have
grown in their faith and in their walk with the Lord. Steph and Jordan were
married in 2009, and both became lawyers with hopes of being able to help
people through their professions.
In 2006, while at a conference in Pennsylvania, Steph was filled with a passion to be involved in missions work in orphanages in Africa. Since that time, Steph has been waiting and praying for the opportunity to fulfill this passion for missions. Both Steph and Jordan are honored and excited to be involved in changing lives through Mission: Hope.
Possibilities and Challenges
This is what my prayer is. Experiences to show you what's possible and challenge you to examine the paths you'll take in the future! I will be introducing our complete team in the coming weeks... and will be landing on a date for our 1st trip to Africa. Please be praying for this mission; that God's hand would be with us; that we would hear Him clearly in everything that we do! I'm excited for what 2013 will bring! Thank you for your support!
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