Mission: HOPE exists to bring Glory to God in providing basic necessities to those in need. Our desire is to provide mission trips to distant and not-so-distant lands, so that YOUR world will be turned upside down! Mission: Hope operates under their local church's 501(c)3 and can accept tax-deductible donations of checks made out to Mission: Hope, c/o Life Church, 4550 NE Palmetto Drive, Jensen Beach, FL 34957 We can be contacted at missionhope1@gmail.com.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Why I do Missions
A dear friend, Sarah Morin, passed this awesome book to me. What is so great about this book is that it has challenged my heart and motives. Why am I driven to do Missions? For one, reaching out and "doing" gives me that great feeling that I'm making a difference in the world. I go to sleep feeling a little better about myself... and think, "Wow, that felt so good - I want to do that again!" But what if "I" were the recipient of the help? I much prefer being the "giver". What if I had to be the receiver? That doesn't always feel so good. As we plan our first trip to Nairobi, Kenya - first to the slums and then to the villages... we want to not just be a source of temporary help, so that we can feel good about what we've done. We want to EMPOWER the local church, as they develop long-term RELATIONSHIPS with the people. We want the money collected to be used to build up LOCAL organizations that truly will empower the poor - long after we leave. To Africans, we are known as the "mzungu" - the powerful, rich, educated white people. When we leave Africa, we want to be known as the "humble" - seeking to direct the poor to Jesus, because WE too, are poor without Him -. HE is the one who can bring light into their darkness. Please keep praying for this trip... For safety... For wisdom... For blessings to all those we encounter.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
What's in the works?
What's in the works?
* Kenya, Africa - July 2014
We're taking a team to Kenya. Our plans are to work with suffering AIDS victims in the slums. We will hold hands with the suffering, cry with those who feel alone in their dirty beds, and pray for their children. We will buy food and bring a little light into their lives. We will travel to a small village and perform some clinic days for the women in the village. We will bring funds that have come from you and others to purchase uniforms for the kids... and picture books. We will share all this in the name and love of Jesus Christ. If you would like to help with this project and cannot take off time to go with us, please send your tax-deductible donation to: Mission-Hope. Send to Life Church, PO Box 1764, Jensen Beach, FL 34958
*Honduras, summer 2015
We are looking at potential plans to spend a week in Honduras.
* Kenya, Africa - July 2014
We're taking a team to Kenya. Our plans are to work with suffering AIDS victims in the slums. We will hold hands with the suffering, cry with those who feel alone in their dirty beds, and pray for their children. We will buy food and bring a little light into their lives. We will travel to a small village and perform some clinic days for the women in the village. We will bring funds that have come from you and others to purchase uniforms for the kids... and picture books. We will share all this in the name and love of Jesus Christ. If you would like to help with this project and cannot take off time to go with us, please send your tax-deductible donation to: Mission-Hope. Send to Life Church, PO Box 1764, Jensen Beach, FL 34958
*Honduras, summer 2015
We are looking at potential plans to spend a week in Honduras.
Thou Anointest My Head with Oil
"Thou anointest my head with oil..." A verse in Psalms 23. It denotes that God pours a blessing out for me. I'm holding out for that. Because three weeks into recovery from my bike crash, I am desperate for it.
What do you do when the efforts you are making in a direction get thwarted by accidents, tragedies or diseases? Do you decide that God is closing all doors and you should close up shop? Or do you decide that Satan is trying to stop a good thing and you keep going? How does one proceed in life? I believe you place all these issues and more in God's hands. How must Joseph have felt when he had dreams and visions? And then he must have thought, "Wow, my Father gave me a beautiful coat of many colors - so I am favored of him.." - only for Joseph to be sold into slavery by his own brothers. But Joseph prospers again, ONLY to be thrown into prison on a false charge. He stayed upright in all his ways. He was even highly-esteemed in prison, and helped to get others released - only for his good deeds to be FORGOTTEN. How lonely he must have felt? How he must have asked God, "Where are you? Why have you left me all alone? Do you even see what I am going through?" And then, in the appointed time - God POURED out blessing after blessing. I have to say that my accident has put me in a bad place. I experienced a blunt trauma, slight head injury (sure thanking God that is was slight!), some broken ribs and broken thumb (which doesn't seem like much, until you try to do ANYTHING with your writing hand. That's fun! haha). My osteo doctor asked how I injured myself. I told him I was training for a FUNDraiser - haha. I figure now I am in the red by $--,---.--. Okay, well, that didn't work out too well! haha But, how do I respond to this? I have thanked God that my injuries were not worse. I have had a few panic attacks due to medication and a too-tight cast. haha I have ASKED God, "Why?" And I am asking Him now to anoint my head with oil. Because now, more than I felt in a long time, I am more cognizant than ever - that I NEED Him to bless my efforts. Like the worship song says, "You're the BREATH in my lungs... our hearts will cry and these bones will sing." I am certainly relating to this song right now. I need HIM to anoint my head - to give me the blessing that I need to be His hands and feet. Everything else in life is so small in the scheme of life.
So, will you pray with me and for our team? We need God's anointing for our trip to Kenya, Africa July 2014. Thank you.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
HE > i
HE>i. That says it all. I am nothing. HE is everything. For all practical purposes, I have no resources, no great influence. I wasn't born with any great vision to save the world. And, yet, I am on this "train" of life, headed to Africa. At least my heart is today. And then I reflect on the book called "Tombi's Song", a book my parents gave me when I was about 9 years old. My 1st "gifted" book - a story about a little African girl... And I suddenly am remembering something my grandmother said to me when I stayed the night with her. We were in her kitchen, doing dishes and she says, lovingly, "Someday you will be a missionary to Africa... or be Miss America." haha I much preferred Miss America. I had absolutely no heart or understanding or desire to go to AFRICA. And then, fast forward - I am a young Mom with a 4 year old and 1 year old. Some missionaries from the African Inland Mission in Nairobi, Kenya come to our church. They had needs for teachers... for someone like my husband... and suddenly, we were at a crossroads - I DON'T want to go to Africa! And God was okay with that. And then our 1 year old was 19 and spends time after graduation with an organization called YWAM. He travels to where? Kenya, Africa. He brings back photos, videos and heartbreaking stories... and suddenly I see real people and real tragedies and I am at a crossroads again.
In January of this year (2013), I started this Mission group, with great support from my family and church. And here I am - a nobody - trying to raise funds for this Mission. Our 1st trip to Africa to assist a village with a women's clinic, helping with their school, AIDS patients & more, is planned for July 2013. I am thinking of ways to make the impossible - possible - and I decide to train for a Bike Across Florida with a great adventure group, Going The Distance, out of Tampa, FL. Am I scared? YES. But, again, so much support from family and friends and I begin to train. On Saturday, September 28th, I am training with my friend, Jennifer Price, when while riding on the bike path/shoulder, it suddenly drops off - and I crash. Pretty bad. Several broken ribs and broken thumb. There were more injuries, but thankfully, this was the worst. I am thankful, but I am also left with a question? "God, what is that all about?" Was it to save the team from that Bike Across FL date (since it ended up being canceled)? Was there some other way God wanted to provide for Mission: Hope? I'm not sure I will ever know, but I am content to know that God really has our best interest in mind.
Here is the exciting thing about being a Christ-follower - Though we are weak, HE is strong. When we feel we want to give up, God refreshes our spirits and infuses our hearts with hope. I am still in the "this is not fun" stage of fundraising, and, yet, I am strangely compelled. HE > i. I only want to follow His lead. Thank you for praying for Mission:Hope! :) Natalie Evans
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